Here it is the lovely pink lotus has finally bloomed!!!!!
We started planting the lotus when hubby suggested it and we bought a pot of lotus plant from a lotus plant seller. The seller only sells lotus plants, he grows the plants at the back yard of his ground floor flat unit. The flat is located some where behind the Federal Place at Doto Keramat Penang.
We have put in some fishes in the pot to prevent mosquitoes from breeding.
This whole pot of lotus plant was once "botak"(balded). When we first bought it,
there was one bloomed beautiful flower, however after the flower faded, the
leaves started dried up one by one until there is nothing visible above the
water surface. There were only roots left under the water.
We were quite disappointed then and just left the pot with the fishes in it.
Both hubby and I know nothing about growing lotus and haven't any time to look up for guides. It was after two weeks, we were so happy to see young leaves growing again! It all happened by its natural self. Now we know growing lotus is so simple,
ie. leave the plant by itself and just make sure there is enough water in the pot
with some fishes.
Below images will be our lasting memories...............